Saturday, December 2, 2017


We had an early game. 8am. We load the buses at 7:15am. We drive away from the hotel at 7:40am.

our field was in town. So yay.. another long drive in the bus. Equally as scary! We get there after 9am.. The bus drops us off at the street, we walk through this alley way. We walk down behind this auto “shop” place, down some stairs (steps). I see these cute puppies running around. They were little scared of us. (at first).

 The park was nice.. I mean it wasn't pretty or well kept, but the stands (when I say stands, I mean cement steps) where covered in trees so it was very shady. The field:

The Dominican boys were ready to play (They had been waiting an hour) They let our boys stretch a little. These kids are all different heights and sizes. Some I think are 11, some I think are 16. Its odd. Game starts and our boys dominated.  What was nice about this field (besides the shade and cutie puppies) It was right in the city. Our background noise consisted of car horns, roosters and vendors walking down the street. There would be kids coming off the street to watch the game. I could hear kids saying “Americans” They would line up at the fence (by this little store) to watch.  I eventually got one of the puppies to love me.  He was so cute and sat at my feet, I pet him (even though some of the rules were to not touch stay animals) but.. I couldn't help it. I wanted to put him in my back pack and take him home.
The bathroom: really my worse nightmare. I had to go bad.. I took my clorox wipes and sanitizer, and baby wipes. There was no door nob. just a lock..  I used the clorox wipe to touch anything I needed to. The ceiling was covered in spider webs.  There was poop and pee on the ground. No towel seat (as I have noticed, none of the public restrooms have them). Not that I would sit on it. The toilet doesn't flush, so that was nasty… I debated on how bad I really had to go as I walked in. I went in and braved it. I ran out when I was done and sanitized my entire body.  even the bottom of my shoes.. (there WAS poop and pee i was standing in). Xander said the dugout had a large spiderweb in there too, and a pretty good size spider.

game 1

was a win! 9-0, I loved watching a bunch of boys who just met bond and gel so quickly. Xander came into this team not knowing anyone. The friends he made at the practice all went to team Red. It didn't take him long to make a bunch of new friends. He was full of jokes and making the kids laugh. One dad had told us on our last game day, who he has enjoyed watching Xander with the boys. “he keeps them going, he is the life of the party. I love watching him with them. He is so animated”.

Game 2

 Game 2, these boys were big. Xander caught this game.

This team came out and really wanted the win bad. but we took the win. 15-4.

I had noticed that these Dominican teams don't like to fail. They strike out and the take it hard. Like they just let the team and their families down. (I really noticed this on championship day).
After the games were over, we took our crazy bus ride back to the hotel.

We shower and go to eat at this mexican restaurant. I was so excited to eat. We look at this menu… This was not mexican (or what we call Mexican) Xander gets the quesadilla (appetizer). Art and I ordered tortilla soup. I really didn't want anything else, but also ordered the “fajitas”. The tortilla soup: Basically corn tortillas placed in a blender and poured in a cup. It was grainy and thick. I inhaled in cause I was so hungry. Xander hated his food. The cheese here isn't pasteurized. Not sure what that means.. but people are saying it has a different taste. Art of course will eat anything. so he ate Xanders. The fajitas, was steak, peppers, cheese wrapped in a tortilla. Steak was chewy.. I picked at the tortilla. I didn't finish my food. I just wanted to go to bed. 

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