Saturday, December 2, 2017

Day 2

We got up early. We went across the “street” to the other part of the hotel, for our meeting. Meet our coaches.

While we were waiting we went to the hotel buffet to get breakfast. Art ate french toast and eggs, said it was all good. I had pineapple. which I was told to avoid because its a laxative.. but I braved it. 

This guy was the man who came to Vegas, and picked Xander and the other Vegas boys

 This is Xander with Kamdyn. He plays for CBA in Vegas as well. 
He played on the USA 12u team 

After the meeting we all got on the buses to go to practice. *Side note don't put on lotion here. You don't need it. all it does is attract flys and makes you more sticky*

We load up the buses and head to the Dominican MLB fields


We practiced on the twins field. 

These fields are used to house and train Dominicans who get signed, or who may get signed? The practice was all the 13U kids on one field. Xander quickly bonded with some players there. One boy was a kid he just called "Sosa". (Jonathan Sosa-Padilla). His family is originally from Puerto Rico. Lives in Florida.

As I was walking around, I came across this toy...or I thought it was a toy. I got closer and realized it was a dead bug, ants were all over it. I never seen a bug like this, or the this size.

The weather was around the 80s but the humidity was so bad that all you can do is sweat.The stands we sat on were cement. (basically all the ball fields we went to had the same seating). So not to comfortable. All the coaches for the 13u teams were there together, running warm ups and practice drills. Each field had different age groups on them.

We all gathered up (these are some boys Xander quickly bonded with)

Then we headed back to the hotel, to eat and get back on the buses for opening ceremonies.We ate at the snack shack which had great reviews.. The burger tasted old. the Fries are good(by good, I mean I was able to eat them, if you catch them right after the fryer, they are better)

The pina coladas at the bar were good. but not frozen….I thought that they werent strong, in fact I couldnt even taste the rum. (later to find out you have to ask for the rum, the machine has virgin drinks. I figured this out after I saw the boys getting them) 

Next we load up on buses. The bus ride was like 2 hours (supposed to be 45 minute trip)

We drove into town, and I saw some of the worst living conditions.(there are nicer areas, but our rides were usually in the other areas) I now understand why people want to come to America. They glorify america in adds, and they live in terrible conditions. So of course they would want to come to America to live “the dream”. They drive.. I cant even describe in words how they drive. You would have to see it to believe it.

It also seemed like every street was a one way street? 
If your in traffic you get these people come to your window to try to sell you things.. Windshield wipers..? There is a tire or auto shop on every corner. Which they need. A family of 4 can ride on a motorized scooter. no helmets. They don't have a cell phone law. and seatbelt are also optional. 

^^ These were stappled or nailed to a pole? Not sure why. Maybe its how the trash man gets them?^^

We get to this baseball field. its full of teams from all over.
Slide show of pictures from opening Ceremonies:


The ceremonies were nice. Was also short. All the families from the other teams were very nice. The Domicans are very welcoming. Only near one field did we experience anything else. And that wasnt from any baseball families and fans.

We get on the bus for another joyful drive back to the hotel. 
We all shower and go to the banquet dinner. All the boys were dressed nice. 

I can probably go the rest of my life not hearing this song again^^. and also Despacito (I mean I already am sick of that song, but I had to hear it a zillion times this week)
They announced the teams (they separated the teams in two) so each team has basically 11 kids. Xander was sad that most of the boys he had already met were on the other team (13U Red). Xander was on 13U Blue.

They had these what I thought was statues. One the statue of liberty. This lady who was painted in gold glitter, with the dress and crown on. Then they had a storm trooper.. and someone in full football gear. I don't know why or what they had to do with this tournament. But it was entertaining. They danced and had some kids dancing.
We all had drinks and met the some parents. Ate dinner which was actually okay. Still have yet to each veggies.. & we didn't end up eating until 9pm.

We headed back to the rooms late, and crashed

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