Friday, December 1, 2017

The end.........

After the championship game, we all took a ride to the awards ceremonies. We show up there, and there was a game going on. It was SO humid, we were so sweaty. We sat and watched the game go on.
Some of the coaches showed up without cleats.

They literally took the cleats off and gave them to the local boys. Many American players did the same. Glasses, gloves, arm bands, hats, jerseys, bags etc. A lot of the local boys switched some of their belongings with our boys.

 Our team won the gold! We went home first place!

These boys ^^(roster posted on the first post) some of the best boys Ive met. I have seen a lot off talented ball players in Vegas. But having some of the best players picked out from all over the US, and form one team, with no practice as a team, and come out and play like they did, with heart, with excellent sportsmanship, and delelope such a bond in such a short amount of time. This team, can take on ANY team here in Vegas. Cause this is some of the best of the best. and the families, ahh so great. I miss this so much. I miss these boys, I miss watching them play.
Our coaches: Marc Kennedy (from California)& Luis Villarreal (from Texas)

 So after this we headed back to the hotel. Now this is where I was confused on what happened next. I thought we went straight to the beach, but that could have been wrong. We could have headed to the closing ceremonies. Or we went straight to bed (which I think was the case).
Whatever it was or day at the beach was AMAZING!

Ive never walked on white sand, I never swam in a warm clear ocean. I never picked up a star fish from the ocean and held it in my hands....... until this day

We didnt see much of Xander at all....

He and some friends took the rafts out..
I do not know the first 2 boys, but the one on the outside of Xander is "Sosa" (Jon Sosa-Padilla). He and Xander still talk. He currently lives in Florida. I believe is family is from Puerto Rico originally. (we will be in Florida this summer "2018" for baseball and will try to meet up with Sosa)

that brown stuff is like small seaweed. but its attached to the ground, and is soft, not slimey. Small tiny fish were found a few times swimming in it.

a live fresh star fish, just hanging out in the ocean with us.

eating hot dogs and fries^^

Soccer game



Now I think after this we showered and went to the closing ceremonies:

So that was our trip to the Dominican Republic! Would I do it again. Of course. The experience we worth basically starving for. Was worth the sweat, bad hair days, crazy bus rides. It made it so much better to win first place of course!   ;)

On our trip home... we flew to NY. Never been there before, and they layover was only hours, but it was a great experience.
The burger I ate at the airport in Atlanta.. omg was the best burger. possibly because I was SO hungry. Watching me eat it Im sure was scary.  We got buisness class out of Domican. Xander sat next to this man, who spent much of the flight talking to Xander. He was also on his laptop doing business. We later found out he works as one of the baseball coaches for Virginia State! He was in the Dominican for baseball "business". We were also on the flight with some important lady fromt he Dominican.. who had so much security around her. on the plan and off. She sat right in front of us.(she doesnt like to fly, as she held her "assistant's" hand tightly on take off and landing)
Oh and if you want to move to NY: you can get a run down one bedroom "condo" in not the best area...starting at only $1,100,000.............

I hope you enjoyed this blog. This was an amazing experience!!
If your interested in what Xander is up to now... check out my blog:

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